
Bakon Bacon Flavored Potato Vodka 750ml

Bakon Bacon Flavored Potato Vodka 750ml vod230

$76.99 $74.99 price per bottle

Bakon Vodka begins with superior quality Idaho potatoes instead of the random mixed grains that make up most vodkas. It is column-distilled using a single heating process that doesn't "bruise" the alcohol like the multiple heating cycles needed to make a typical potstill vodka. The delicate balance of flavors leaves drinkers with the essence of a crisp slice of peppered bacon.

80 Proof Vodka

ABV: -
Distillery: -
Vintage: -
Region: -
Size: -
Availability: In Stock
Distributed by: FWH
Quality Guaranteed
Distillery   Tasting Notes    

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