Cadenhead's Old Raj Dry Gin 750ml
Cadenhead's Old Raj Dry Gin 750ml 56dd1c1d69702d1873b50000
$82.97 price per bottle
The Old Raj, with its distinctive yellow tint, is a luxury gin that can be enjoyed alone (yes, this is a true sipping gin) or used to give gin cocktails extra complexity. Founded in Scotland in 1842, William Cadenhead Ltd. is the country's oldest independent bottler and continues to set itself apart by flavoring The Old Raj with a full measure of saffron (the world's most expensive spice) from the crocus flower. Juniper, coriander seed and angelica root also contribute to this fine gin's unforgettable flavor. USA
ABV: | - |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | - |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |
Distributed by: | IW |