Madria Sangria Moscato 750ml
Madria Sangria Moscato 750ml 54576
$49.49 price per bottle
Wine maker notes Our Madria Sangria Moscato offers a tropical, delicious blend of Moscato wine with hints of orange, peach and apple. This white sangria has just the right amount of sweetness and refreshment. It pairs perfectly with fun, festive gatherings on warm summer nights.
Producer Although the exact origins of sangria are unknown, one thing is for certain – Madria Sangria makes this fruity concoction delicious. Thought to be of Spanish origin, sangria has become one of the most popular refreshments throughout the world. Madria Sangria is available in two styles: our award-winning Tradicional and our new White Moscato. Both styles combine the sweet and refreshing characteristics of sangria with an added flair that’s unique to Madria Sangria. No matter how you slice it, the versatility of Madria Sangria recipes are a welcome addition at any gathering, from cocktail nights to backyard barbecues. And the best part about Madria Sangria? It comes ready to enjoy in a festive bottle, so all you have to do is just add fruit!
ABV: | - |
Distillery: | - |
Vintage: | - |
Region: | California |
Size: | 750 ml |
Availability: | In Stock |
Distributed by: | BLW |